Ro's Random Musings

Money Myths That Hold Us Back From Living An Abundant Life

Money is on everyone’s mind. In today’s uncertain, inflationary world, it is an ever greater source of anxiety and frustration. How we think and feel about money is often a result of our upbringing and our early experiences. Our mindset around money determines our relationship with it in our adult lives. Before we can unpack our beliefs around money, there are a few myths I would like to debunk.
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Living with Alcoholism – the Final Chapter

Alcoholism takes many prisoners, most of whom are not even drinking. It comes with many social taboos and deep seated shame. I am sharing my family’s story today because I believe we need to look at the topic of alcoholism with greater compassion and openness.I offer a glimpse into the internal conflict that families of alcoholics face every single day. I am hoping it will spark a conversation and invite greater compassion for alcoholics and for those who have to live with them.
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What’s in your backpack?

We’re all backpackers in this journey of life, so busy getting somewhere that we don’t have the time to put the backpack down. Not even to take a look inside it to see what’s really there. No wonder we feel like we’re carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. What if there was a simple way to unburden yourself and live a full and free life?
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Silence, Stillness and Surrender

I recently spent ten days at a silent meditation retreat called Vipassana. It was intense and interesting, and like nothing I have ever experienced before. Whilst it was fresh in my mind, I shared my experience in a free flowing conversation with an old friend of mine. We talked about what Vipassana is, what I observed and experienced, the key learnings and tools I took away, and how I prepared for the most intense ten days of my life.
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How BLIC is your life?

A friend of mine who knows a thing or two about wine recently explained how the experts assess quality using the BLIC test. It comprises Balance, Length, Intensity and Complexity. What if we could apply the same test to our lives?
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Who do you think you are?

What if you had a mirror that helped you more accurately see yourself as the world sees you? A lens that offered a glimpse into the workings and motivations of the people in your life. And a path for personal growth towards a more balanced and fulfilled life. How would it change the way you show up in your day to day life?
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Are you happy?

Are you happy? When a friend recently asked me this question, I had to consider how to respond. It’s a simple question but I have almost never been able to answer it with a clear “yes” or “no”, at least not without a preamble or explanation of some sort. What really is happiness? How does one find it, create it or hold on to it? And why as a society are we so obsessed with it?
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Seven Steps to Dealing with Rejection

No one really prepares us for rejection, other than life itself giving every one of us our own unique lesson in it. The simple act of selecting something or someone is in itself an implicit rejection of all else that was on offer. We could not function if it weren’t for our ability to choose. We experience rejection both explicitly and implicitly from the day we are born, and yet it is the one thing we dread most in our daily lives.
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The Dark Side of Gratitude: How It Can Hold You Back

The practice of gratitude is one of the most powerful ways of creating abundance in our lives. And yet, like most things, there is a duality to it, a dark side, that can hold us back. What are you grateful for today? Can you list five things each day that made you feel happy, safe, loved or valued? The practice of acknowledging the good things in your life is key to attracting more of them. The habit of expressing appreciation to those who bestow you with those good things is what keeps humanity going, despite all the challenges and negativity. And yet…
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The Essence of True Empowerment: Freedom vs. Independence

What really is the difference between independence and freedom, especially when it comes to individuals like you and me? Is it possible to have nothing, be at the mercy of others’ will and yet be free? And conversely, despite being independent, why do so many of us not feel free?
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Looking Back At “LOCKDOWN” From The Future

Whether you’re in full lockdown, self-isolating, or are one of our heroes on the frontline, this is a moment in human history that we will remember for a long time.It would be a shame to allow a crisis of such proportions to go to waste. What lessons can we learn and how do we want to look back on this extraordinary time in our lives? This is a unique opportunity to do a few things differently that in years to come we can look back on with pride and satisfaction.
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Staying Truly Connected In The Digital World

In a time when we are digitally more connected than ever, at least on an illusory level, social isolation is probably at an all time high. “Friends” and “followers” on social media are no replacement for real conversations and human interactions. Our social media avatars have become yet another mask we wear to selectively portray a certain persona. Today I want to share a few things I do to make it work for me to stay open to new connections, some of which go on to deepen into real friendship.
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Relationships: reason, season or lifetime

Relationships fascinate me. How new people come into our lives. How some people help us to grow by being supportive whilst others appear to teach us life lessons in the most unexpected and hurtful ways. How someone you were once best friends with is now on a completely different wavelength. How in your hour of need exactly the right person shows up, as if by magic, helps you and then disappears before you’ve had a chance to even say thank you. Or how you can no longer bear to be around people you once so loved and admired.
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The power of negativity

I recently listened to Dr Gabor Maté’s audiobook When The Body Says No. I don’t exaggerate when I tell you that it has shaken me to the core and changed so much of what I thought I knew. I’m not alone in my belief that staying positive is one of the simplest things in our control that can lead to better emotional and physical wellbeing. I now know I was wrong.
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Seven things that will make you stronger

Today I’m sharing with you something I put together for my children, to help them deal with the curve balls life will inevitably lob their way. No matter how grown up or responsible you are, there will be moments when you feel like a helpless bystander in an out-of-control world.
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The Greatest Gifts You Can Give Others

Learn about gifts that cost you nothing but will mean the world to those receiving it. Gifts that can create lightness of being and bring joy to others, and will leave you feeling happier, healthier and more fulfilled.
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The Greatest Gift You Can Give Yourself

The greatest gift you can give yourself if to become self-centred. “What?” I hear you say. “Isn’t that the same as selfish? How’s that a good thing?” Being self centred is about going deep within yourself & taking ownership of all your choices & actions. It’s about understanding that everything you need & want can be found within you. It means that even change around you begins with you.
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When labels become limitations

I’m not a fan of labels. Literally and metaphorically speaking. I’d be hard pushed to tell you what brand of trainers I wear, or what make my kettle or iron is. To me they serve a purpose, and so long as they do it well, I don’t care what names they goes by. The same logic applies to individuals. Over time we attribute labels to ourselves based on what we do for a living, our current abilities and the perception we and others have of who we are. These labels can colour our self-esteem and become our limitations.
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