Rohini Rathour

Looking Back At “LOCKDOWN” From The Future

As humanity reels from the ravages of a tiny microscopic virus, Nature is breathing a sigh of relief and our beautiful planet has a chance to heal. It is ironic, what Sir David Attenborough, Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion could not achieve, the Coronavirus has done by bringing economic giants to their knees.

The air is cleaner, the birdsong is more audible and wild animals are emerging from hiding to reclaim land that for so long was monopolised by us humans.

The best and the worst of humanity are out in force, and on full display thanks to social media. We're discovering who the true leaders and heroes amongst us are as we watch them battle with the mother of all crises in realtime.

Whether you're in full lockdown, self-isolating, or are one of the heroes on the frontline, this is a moment in human history that we will remember for a long time.  Aside from the grim news and the gory statistics, how do you personally want to remember this time?

It would be a shame to allow a crisis of such proportions to go to waste. 

What lessons can we learn and how do we want to look back on this extraordinary time in our lives?

Can we become more aware of who we are, what we've become and the imprint we're leaving for future generations?

How can we change for the better so we create a new normal that is more humane and respectful of all life, not just our own?

I don't have all the answers. However, I believe this is a unique opportunity for us all to do a few things differently that we can look back on with pride and satisfaction.

1) Slow down and get really present. Time will feel like it is standing still. Even stillness can be moving.

2) Practise Vuja De: the art of seeing old familiar things as if for the very first time. This includes your own self and members of your household (even if the extended proximity is getting on your nerves).

3) Get reacquainted with the contents of your home. This could lead to many surprising discoveries, trips down memory lane, an appreciation of the things you once took for granted (toilet rolls anyone?) and a reminder of how much stuff you own that you don't really need.

4) Talk to distant friends, family and people in your community (over the phone and via video calls). More importantly, learn to really listen. We don't know who will emerge from this crisis intact and in good health. Our time could the greatest gift we give those whose time might be up too soon.

5) Do the things you've always wished you had time for at home. Catch up on films and box sets on TV or Netflix, read a book, sleep, read with your children, play boardgames, have a laugh, listen to music, have a kitchen disco, do a family singalong, the list goes on...

6) Get curious and creative. What can you cook with the things in your kitchen cupboards that are gathering dust since you absentmindedly bought them months, even years ago? What hobbies can you revisit? What talents can you share with the community and the world using the power of social media and technology? I did my very first virtual hula-hoop dance fitness workout class via FB live in lieu of the class I used to teach every Tuesday at my local leisure centre. I loved it.

7) Keep a record of any insights, experiences and lessons that helped you stay sane and grow as a person. This can be in writing, audio or video. One day we will all look back at the small things we did differently that changed the world we live in substantially for the better.

We will look back on this time either with gratitude or with regret. On a micro level, we must each choose how we respond to this extraordinary viral stimulus. The responsibility for how we emerge from this crisis belongs to all of us collectively.

I wish you and all your family good health and a safe passage through the coming weeks and months.  Like all storms, this too shall pass.

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