Staying Truly Connected In The Digital World

In a time when we are digitally more connected than ever, at least on an illusory level, social isolation is probably at an all time high. “Friends” and “followers” on social media are no replacement for real conversations and human interactions. Our social media avatars have become yet another mask we wear to selectively portray a certain persona. Today I want to share a few things I do to make it work for me to stay open to new connections, some of which go on to deepen into real friendship.

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Relationships: reason, season or lifetime

Relationships fascinate me. How new people come into our lives. How some people help us to grow by being supportive whilst others appear to teach us life lessons in the most unexpected and hurtful ways. How someone you were once best friends with is now on a completely different wavelength. How in your hour of need exactly the right person shows up, as if by magic, helps you and then disappears before you’ve had a chance to even say thank you. Or how you can no longer bear to be around people you once so loved and admired.

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Seven things that will make you stronger

Today I’m sharing with you something I put together for my children, to help them deal with the curve balls life will inevitably lob their way. No matter how grown up or responsible you are, there will be moments when you feel like a helpless bystander in an out-of-control world.

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When labels become limitations

I’m not a fan of labels. Literally and metaphorically speaking. I’d be hard pushed to tell you what brand of trainers I wear, or what make my kettle or iron is. To me they serve a purpose, and so long as they do it well, I don’t care what names they goes by. The same logic applies to individuals. Over time we attribute labels to ourselves based on what we do for a living, our current abilities and the perception we and others have of who we are. These labels can colour our self-esteem and become our limitations.

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